Friday, October 15, 2010

alot of thoughts

so one  of the guys the is homeless but has been coming to church and gave his life to Jesus. He told Pastor Stephen that this Sunday past he wanted to put something in offering ( he doesnt have a job) a friend gave him $2.50 for bus fare to make sure he could get to church. Well when he got on the bus and got to his stop the bus driver told him it would be $2. So he was so excited to have .50 cents to put in offering! I helped with offering and got to pass the bucket to him! He was so excited and proud to put it in!!!
I was reminded how much fun it is finding out about God and His goodness! This man has never experienced church or God and he is so excited about that whole thing!!

I cannot believe how fast time is going here! I am so happy to be a part of all this! I know God has so much to do here!

Today before we went to the Shelter, we were walking on the street and saw a bat that had hit a powerline with both wings and fried itself. Must say I took a picture because, A. it was funny and B. it was FUNNY!!
Some people may be offended by that but it was so surreal!!

On another note:  I am random tonight but anyone that knows me already is aware of my randomness..
Missions is a big deal. Moving to another country is a big deal. Moving to another country with your spouse and 3 kids is a HUGE DEAL!! My friends are so amazing! Not many people can pull off Ministry full time, work, Pioneering a church and homeschooling and keeping the family unit working!! They are an inspiration to me! They are God's hands and feet moving her ein Australia. Have you thanked your missionaries for all they do? It is not an easy thing to leave all the comforts of your "normal" life and say " yes God, send me!"
I am not tooting my own horn I have the ease of leaving in December  and then coming back. They are here for the long haul. I think of the others I know in Hong Kong, India, Mongolia, The Stan nations and so on.
Each person, couple, family, has sacrificed to be there. They are a different breed. They have a Paul personality of not being satsified. I want to be like that. To put others above my own wants and desires. To see God's kingdom increased with these people that God loves so much! He has plans for them not unlike the ones He has for me! To see them mature and grow into Seasoned christians that know God and follow His Spirit! Thats what I desire. God isnt willing that any should perish and I want what He wants!

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