Thursday, October 21, 2010

Deep thinking late at night!!

I am reading this book ( a true story) and in it this man who is going on the Mercy Ships to the South Pacific Isands has just encoutered a people group on a island and in the book he says " I remember feeling as I had felt from the beginning of this affair- that the whole thing was happening in spite of me. Was I being carried along by the force of God's loving appointment to fulfill these people's long years of expectation?"

I was struck by the power of this statement. God isnt willing that any should perish.
I am reminded that in James 5:7 it says "be patient brethren, till the coming of the Lord. see how the Farmer waits expectantly for the precious harvest from the land. See how He keeps up His patient vigil over it until He recieves the early and the late rains.
I see first hand and hear why Jesus hasn't returned. He is waiting for the precious harvest of the earth! People! His people that have never heard! Jesus said " Lift up your eyes for the fields are ripe with harvest"
He desires people!!!
He loves them so much! He loves you so much!!!
Just sharing my heart with all you!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Give me Your eyes

This song is by Brandon Heath. I love it! It always reminds me to look beyond what I can see. To want to have God's eyes towards people!

Looked down from a broken sky
Traced out by the city lights
My world from a mile high
Best seat in the house tonight

Touched down on the cold black tar
Hold on for the sudden stop
Breathe in the familiar shock
Of confusion and chaos

All those people going somewhere
Why have I never cared?

Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me Your love for humanity

Give me Your arms for the broken hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach?
Give me Your heart for the one's forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Step out on a busy street
See a girl and our eyes meet
Does her best to smile at me
To hide what?s underneath

There?s a man just to her right
Black suit and a bright red tie
Too ashamed to tell his wife
He's out of work, he's buying time

All those people going somewhere
Why have I never cared?

Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me Your love for humanity

Give me Your arms for the broken hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach?
Give me Your heart for the one's forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

I've been there a million times
A couple of million eyes just moving past me by
I swear I never thought that I was wrong

Well, I want a second glance
So give me a second chance
To see the way You see the people all alone

Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me Your love for humanity

Give me Your arms for the broken hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach?
Give me Your heart for the one's forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see

Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
That I keep missing

Give me Your arms for the broken hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach?
Give me Your heart for the one's forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see

Friday, October 15, 2010

alot of thoughts

so one  of the guys the is homeless but has been coming to church and gave his life to Jesus. He told Pastor Stephen that this Sunday past he wanted to put something in offering ( he doesnt have a job) a friend gave him $2.50 for bus fare to make sure he could get to church. Well when he got on the bus and got to his stop the bus driver told him it would be $2. So he was so excited to have .50 cents to put in offering! I helped with offering and got to pass the bucket to him! He was so excited and proud to put it in!!!
I was reminded how much fun it is finding out about God and His goodness! This man has never experienced church or God and he is so excited about that whole thing!!

I cannot believe how fast time is going here! I am so happy to be a part of all this! I know God has so much to do here!

Today before we went to the Shelter, we were walking on the street and saw a bat that had hit a powerline with both wings and fried itself. Must say I took a picture because, A. it was funny and B. it was FUNNY!!
Some people may be offended by that but it was so surreal!!

On another note:  I am random tonight but anyone that knows me already is aware of my randomness..
Missions is a big deal. Moving to another country is a big deal. Moving to another country with your spouse and 3 kids is a HUGE DEAL!! My friends are so amazing! Not many people can pull off Ministry full time, work, Pioneering a church and homeschooling and keeping the family unit working!! They are an inspiration to me! They are God's hands and feet moving her ein Australia. Have you thanked your missionaries for all they do? It is not an easy thing to leave all the comforts of your "normal" life and say " yes God, send me!"
I am not tooting my own horn I have the ease of leaving in December  and then coming back. They are here for the long haul. I think of the others I know in Hong Kong, India, Mongolia, The Stan nations and so on.
Each person, couple, family, has sacrificed to be there. They are a different breed. They have a Paul personality of not being satsified. I want to be like that. To put others above my own wants and desires. To see God's kingdom increased with these people that God loves so much! He has plans for them not unlike the ones He has for me! To see them mature and grow into Seasoned christians that know God and follow His Spirit! Thats what I desire. God isnt willing that any should perish and I want what He wants!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


So today was Sunday morning. I wish you could all be here to see the changes take place in these newly saved ones that come from the Shelters! We had 3 salvations and 2 confirmed healings today. God is so good!

Its hard to believe that it has been over a month since I arrived. Each week is jam packed with both the day to day stuff and also ministering with Pastors Stephen and Rachel in the Nursing home and Shelter. And then Sunday I do whatever is needed in service, from Powerpoint to praying for people. It is fun to be a part of a ministry in its beginning stages. Its so amazing to see the changes week to week in the new believers. To see an outward change reflecting what happened to them on the inside by accepting Jesus!
I hope I never take for granted how life altering having a relationship with God is!! He is so good and has good plans for all of us!! I want to shout it from the roof tops about how good God is!! There is nothing He cannot do and noone He cannot use are accept!!!!
Rejoice in the knowledge that He loves you!! Rejoice that He saved you! Rejoice that His thoughts towards you are for good!!! REJOICE!!!!

Love, Deborah
(me and Rachel)

Pastor Stephen and Rachel Macri
Freedom Harvest Ministries Int.

Friday, October 8, 2010


I forgot to tell you all a big thank you for all who support and supported me to get here. Because of you I bought a box of bibles to give out to the newly saved. THANKS TO YOU THE WORD IS GETTING OUT THERE!!!!
Love and thanks,

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dija Meta

We went to the nursing home yesterday, I shared alittle on God's love and Rachel tied it together but then it was just a time to sit and listen, to let these former leaders of their generation share their life. One man was from Germany but left because of the wall, didnt want to raise a family where he was seeing people killed trying to be free..
Everyone has a story and a life. They have or had hopes, dreams, failures, heartache, and love.

The nursing homes here are not like America, they have the "christian" ones but no Aboriginies are allowed there.
So they have this on called Dija Meta where they don't care the color of your skin. You have former Germans and Aborignies, Australians and Islanders.
These people matter to God. The bible talks about doing for the very least of these in His name. Since God knows the number of hairs on my head I am certain He isnt finished with these precious "silver" aged people.  To sit and show you care for someone by letting them talk and not spreading your agenda or making them rush because they are taking your "valuable" time, isnt that compassion? putting someone else above yourself? Again I am so happy to be here and be a part of what God is doing in this Nation./

Other news. I went to the beach yesterday. No matter what is going on the ocean always amazes me. The ocean doesnt respect anyone or anything, it will hit the sand as hard as it hits the rocks. It will knock you off your feet as easy as plastic bag blows around in the wind.
The ocean doesnt care what color or age or sex you are. It justs does what it was created to do. It touches the world.

Just sharing my thoughts with you all. I hope thats okay :-)

Just me.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I have been here almost a month now. Its not without its challenges but man do I love being here! Both being around my friends and helping them with theit ministry, but there is not greater thrill than knowing you are smack dab in the center of God's plan for your life!!!
That being said it has been eye opening here. I do not think I could fully explain what it is like in the shelters where the homeless are and in the nursing homes where the older people are. There is such a hopelessness in both places.
I am reminded time and time again that God has a plan and purpose for them as much as for me.
There is one man who has gotten saved that makes me smile everytime I see him. He has changed outwardly so much! He comes to church with a smile on his face and the nicest clothes he has! ( he is homeless). I am sure God just grins ear to ear when he sees him!!
I am happy to be in a place where I can help the missionaries so much. I am willing to do anything they need me to do. Life is good and I know this is only the start.