Monday, November 1, 2010

God moving

I find it interesting that even when you are going about doing what God has called you to, that He is also preparing you for the next step. How great is He that not only can we be moving and doing but also learning and growing for the next level. Think back to how your life has gone. Can you see the fingerprints of God in your life? Can you see where you did something that at the time didn't make sense but know is something that you use all the time? Now I am not saying that God causes bad things to happen to us to teach us. That would be like saying at Christmas you should give knives to kids in order for them to learn not to play with knives. Foolish right :D
The awesome thing about God is He can take something that the devil or someone may have tried to steal, kill or destroy us with and turn it around so we can show God's glory out of it. He(God) is always mindful of us and always watching out for us. The Bible says He will lead us with His Spirit in all truth!
Its our job to listen and respond to that leading.

I find that more and more true each day being here. Talking with new believers and even the unsaved. If I trust the Spirit to lead me in what to say and do then I know that God is working in me on their behalf. Things I would never think to say come out and you see the proverbial light bulb go off in their head! God knows how to best reach everyone that is lost and hurting. There is no one formula that will work for everyone. Just as how God deals with you differently than He deals with me, than it stands to reason it would be the same for the lost right? I am astounded at the vastness of God and His infinite wisdom!! Who are we that His in mindful of us! WOW!

People here are so hungry for the things of God. I was talking to one lady over lunch the other day and it was amazing how much she was pulling, wanting to know and talk about what she is getting from the bible and from books. Such a unsatisfied hunger for God. It compels me each time to evaluate myself and see where I am lacking in my walk with God. He is so good!

Keep us in your prayers and we walk out the new paths God has for this ministry and for the Islands. Please pray for the Church as it grows and expands with new believers. Please pray for doors opening to the North with Aborigine camps and also the Islands! I will be sending out a newsletter soon with more information as soon as I can! Thank you!

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