Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Mooroobool Outreach, every Sunday afternoon.

Maleta with her new Adventure Bible, bought by the congregation of FOFC in Terre Haute.
We give one away every week.

Valarie and Elsie, two little girls who come every week to Mooroobool Community Kids outreach

Playing, squirt the shaving cream off with a water gun.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The one

Something I have always said and been "proud" to promote when I go on missions trips is that "if God sends me halfway around the world for one person, I will go and it is worth it."
I love saying that, lately God has been asking of me, "do you believe that?". Do I believe that God loves the one person so much that out of a multitude, He will go after the one. The parable of the Shepherd with 99 sheep, leaving them to go after the one that is lost. Gods love for people is so much more than we can ever fully grasp, but I want to for myself keep seeking His heart, where I don't see the multitude as much as I see the one. No matter where they are or, who, or how dirty or worldly they are. Just a compassion for those lost without God. We are designed to be loved, and we look for it and aim for love, the world tries to corrupt what love is and means. But we are designed to be drawn to God and His unconditional love!!

I have heard a story of a man that God used a penny on the ground to remind him of the lost ones. Every time he sees a penny no matter how mangled or gross it can be, he picks it up to always remember the ones God is waiting for. Such a small thing, to see a penny on the ground while walking into a store, how many times do we step over it thinking " its only a penny, it doesn't matter,". When need to put EVERYONE in to the place of importance to God, yes He can and has sent people all over the world for one person. He has moved mountains to reach the one! He has appeared to people in the middle east, telling them where to go to meet someone that will tell them about Jesus. Oh how He loves them so!!

Being  in a place here where I see everyday a people that are looked over for the color of their skin, or their past. I am constantly reminded of the lost. The matter to Him so much. I cannot imagine how He feels without them. Created to be with Him, and yet.............
My heart is to always in all ways follow God, to seek after His heart. To see how He sees. To love how He loves. Oh He loves us so!
May we never be so wrapped up in our lives that we step over the one "penny".

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Well I have been back in Australia for a week now. I finally feel like I am on the same time zone! It took me alot longer this trip than last time. We are in the rainy season here which means, lots and lots of rain in the morning, a bout of sunshine and clear skies in the afternoon and rain again all evening! Needless to say you are always getting wet!

I have been busy catching up with the Macri family, and the church family, meeting the new ones coming and also going to meet other new people, Friday we went up north to a place called Marreba. Got to sit with a Aboriginal woman named Flo, she had so much to talk about, what she sees God doing and what she is believing for. She is the granddaughter of a man whose family were murdered when he was 7. His son( her father) became a preacher and she talked about his church that he started, the met at the river and held service till they got a place to build a church building. Talked about Holy Spirit services and how the police would bring the insane to her fathers services to be healed. We are talking 50 some years ago with a aboriginal Pastor! What a encouragement it was to hear the the Aborigines can and will be "on fire" for God. Listening to her I imagined was like listening to those from Azuza Street! God is big amen!!! He is able to makes ways in places that we would think He couldn't. The bible says His ways are bigger than our ways and His thoughts higher than our thoughts! We don't need to "figure out" how He(God) will move! We just have to follow His leading! Thank you to all who have helped me to get back to Australia! Love you and pray for you all!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy New Year!

I cannot believe that I have been home 3 weeks already! I have had a good time while here! I am looking at heading back to Cairns towards the end of January. I am excited to head back and see what the New Year brings!
There is a song by Hawk Nelson called Crazy Love and they sing about how the world looks at us like we are ridiculous, its all because of this Crazy Love! Loved by a relentless God! He(God) loves everyone so much, He has a plan specific for each and everyone of us, my heart is for everyone to know A; God loves them and Jesus died for them, and B: that His plan for them is good and they can get out from under the weight of their past and mistakes!
God is so good!
Love to you all and be blessed this New Year! Look for God in all you do! He desires to have a REALtionship with you, to spend time with you and to lead you in all things!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Christmas?? But its 90 degrees out!!!!

I cannot believe how quickly the time has gone this trip, its funny how I always think, " Oh I have plenty of time to send out a newsletter," Sorry to those that have been waiting, looks like it will be a Christmas/missions newsletter.
Things to do when I get back:
Catch up on movies.
visit with family and friends
Taco Bell
Dr. Pepper
Peppermint Mocha
Spread the word about what God is doing here in Australia.
Get ready to come back here.
Not necessarily in that order =D
 I know I say this alot but I cannot wait to see what God has in store this next year. I expect BIG things in 2011, Salvation's, healing's, you name it! Islands!
God is so good and He needs us to move on this earth! I love following God!!
See you all Stateside in a week!!!!