Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy New Year!

I cannot believe that I have been home 3 weeks already! I have had a good time while here! I am looking at heading back to Cairns towards the end of January. I am excited to head back and see what the New Year brings!
There is a song by Hawk Nelson called Crazy Love and they sing about how the world looks at us like we are ridiculous, its all because of this Crazy Love! Loved by a relentless God! He(God) loves everyone so much, He has a plan specific for each and everyone of us, my heart is for everyone to know A; God loves them and Jesus died for them, and B: that His plan for them is good and they can get out from under the weight of their past and mistakes!
God is so good!
Love to you all and be blessed this New Year! Look for God in all you do! He desires to have a REALtionship with you, to spend time with you and to lead you in all things!!!

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